2010년 9월 26일 일요일

my cup my favorite ART

My favorite cup sitting in the cabinet.
An empty cup sits in my cabinet. Like an empty piece of paper it sits, and like a dark night it is silent.
But it is still my Favorited cup sitting in the cabinet.
I picked up the empty cup that sits in my cabinet. Like an empty space it sits on my hand, cold, but like a bright light, it brings me happiness.
I filled the cup with hot water, should I say it is half filled or half empty, but it doesn't matter because now the cup is talking to me.

It tells me to be healthy.
It tells me to be happy.
It brings me warmth.
It brings me hope.
But before I try to tell the cup 'thank you'
it goes back into the darkness and coldness.

My cup is my favorite cup is the best artwork that exists to me so far. Even though a cup is a common material, and many people may have the similar cup, but none are the same as my cup because my cup contains characters that can only be seen in dreams. It also communicates to me like none other materials communicates to me.

ART of emotion

What do you see from the masks bellow?

Happy Face
Sad Face
Lonely Face
Lovely Face

A single human face can have thousand of facial expressions and we can change it as frequently as we want. One second someone can enter a room smiling while on the other second the same person might leave the room crying. It is as if everybody is wearing a mask, a mask that can hide us from others, a mask that can protect our privacy, and a mask that can influence others masks. That is why our expressions and how others look at our expressions are very important because our face communicates to others about ones feeling. Humans are social, we cry with those who cry, we laugh with those who laugh, and we interact with those who interact. So is our face social on its own, when we see danger our face pales, when we see happiness our face opens, and when we feel love our face flush. One may think a pokerface does not express anything, but pokerface is a best way to tell others how 'I will not tell what I know.' So after all there is not a facial expression that doesn't communicate.
So what is my point? Our face is ART.

2010년 9월 21일 화요일

ART in math

Art can exist every where. In fact even logical things such as math is art and can create art. There is a famous artwork in China that has 100 different horses each with different facial expressions. When I saw this artwork I wondered why 100? Why not 101 or 10. It is probably because in that specific culture 100 had a more significant meaning then other numbers, so by painting 100 horses, the painter was able to reveal some culture through art. Another great example of art in math would be in design. Now a days design require a computer software to more precisely show the idea a person has behind the shape of building, car, computer, cellphone, or even clothes. Without math and functions that run the program, many difficult designs would not be able to be displayed which makes it harder for people to communicate their ideas. Lastly I believe that numbers used in math is another way to communicate with other people so it should also be considered an art. The unique shape of each numbers and how they are positioned requires creativity just like creating artworks require creativity.

from http://www.markfarrar.co.uk/msqhst01.htm

Christ of Saint John of the Cross

The art work Christ of Saint John of the Cross is a famous work painted by Dali. The most noticeable thing about this art work is the size. The humongous size of the artwork is what I think makes this artwork a very powerful artifact. When looking at the art work, the size of it makes the cross and Christ seem so real that the event is happening right at front of my eyes. It made me feel that Dali was trying to tell the people about the magnificence of Christs authority. Another important thing to note about this artwork is that it is very different from the traditional artworks related to Crucifixion. No one in the picture in crying, we don't see blood, suffering, thorn, nails and the two other sinners who died with Christ. This shows how to Dali, the traditional symbols of Crucifixion is not what it is all about, its about the concept of crucifixion and how God came down to die for human kind and then resurrect again from death.

form http://www.philosyphia.com/controversies/controversies-jesus

2010년 9월 14일 화요일

The Summary of all ART

In this world there are many unique machines that are created by humans: telephone, computer, mouse, clock, air conditioner, refrigerator, and even door locks. However none of these inventions are as similar to art as an airplane. Airplane is made out of every single machine design that one can imagine. It can roll like a car, it contains computers for each individual guests to use, it requires an engine that is stronger then that of any land machines, and it even contains wings that no other machines have.  
Airplanes are summary of all art not only because of what it is made out of, but also because of the effort that is put into make each individual planes. The amount of details and calculations put into an airplane is just like, if not more then the amount of colors that exists in an art work. All different colors may look ugly when they are independent, but when they are mixed with each other, they create a beautiful harmony that nothing can compare to. Just like that, all different details and calculations will come to a harmony, and this harmony will allow people to fly. The time that it took for human to make an airplane is like the time of an artist. Just like how an artist spends most of the life time creating his artworks, human kind spent most of the time on earth dreaming of flying, designing and redesigning different ways to fly. 
Most importantly airplanes are summary of all art because just like how an artwork connects the artist to the audience, airplanes connects people to people, culture to culture, and nation to nation. It is a device that humans must have in order to better survive together.

2010년 9월 13일 월요일

Open your minds

Different cultures have different standard of good and that is a fact that many believes in. When I read the article that Benjamine wrote, I may have misunderstood his intentions, and if I did I would apologize for my writing. However, his writings, to me, clearly showed how much he dislikes dadaism, which is fine, but comparing dadaism in to an instrument of ballistics? Sayng that dadaists destroyed the aura of their creation? That to me sound nothing more then an insult. Yes, art, in the three levels of economy, is a service sector and the best way for service sector to develope is through critques. But insults are not critiques, insults are destruction, and when I read chapter 14 of the article, I felt like the author was insulting dadaism.
Dadaism is a movement made by a group of artists and it became a part of their culture, or lives. When the author said 'they intended and achieved was a relentless destruction of the aura of their creations', to me it felt like some one was telling me that my culture is evil.  Which is probably not something that the author wants to hear when someone is talking about his culture in such way.
I do have to admit though by choosing to use this kind of diction, the author made clear of his point about what film did to art. However I feel that the choice of Benjamine's words were a little too offensive.

2010년 9월 5일 일요일

Just like an artwork

Its been two weeks since I first came to Gatech and there was not a single time in those 14 days when I didn't like Gatech because Georgia Tech is just like an artwork. Just like an artwork full of meaning, Georgia Tech is full of unique students. Especially students who can solve problems. Just like an artwork that can influence the mind of the entire world, Georgia Tech students influence the entire world with their engineering skills. Just like an artwork that flows harmoniously, Georgia Tech students are closely connected to each other always trying to be beneficial. Just like an artwork that stands out among millions of other art works, students from Georgia Tech always stands out in their field of education. Just like an artwork with good meanings, there is a good word in Georgia tech.
What's the good word?
To HELL with Georgia

Rubiks cubes

Thousands and millions of art works excists currently in this world and more of them are comming. But in my mind, the most complicated and interesting piece of art work would be the rubik's cube. The rubik's cube is composed of 6 sides and each side divided into 9 parts. The goal of rubiks cube is to mess up all the parts and to put them together like if it is new. Just like how art is a good representative of the world, I think rubik's cube well represents the cycle of the history. Just like how we mix and fix a rubik's cube over and over, our history is full of destruction and reconstruction of each other's culture and lives. Just like how we try to fix the rubik's cube faster, the destruction and reconstruction of our culture and history developes us and helps us create a culture well mixed and intertwined so that just like how some can solve the rubik's cube in few seconds, going from one country to another became a matter of minuites and hours. Understanding each others language is no longer a problem. Accepting others culture became very easy.
In this world there has always been someone who is able to fix the rubiks cube faster but I believe there will come a day when there is a record that no one could break. Just like that I hope this world can one day be so great that nothing could make it better.