2010년 9월 21일 화요일

ART in math

Art can exist every where. In fact even logical things such as math is art and can create art. There is a famous artwork in China that has 100 different horses each with different facial expressions. When I saw this artwork I wondered why 100? Why not 101 or 10. It is probably because in that specific culture 100 had a more significant meaning then other numbers, so by painting 100 horses, the painter was able to reveal some culture through art. Another great example of art in math would be in design. Now a days design require a computer software to more precisely show the idea a person has behind the shape of building, car, computer, cellphone, or even clothes. Without math and functions that run the program, many difficult designs would not be able to be displayed which makes it harder for people to communicate their ideas. Lastly I believe that numbers used in math is another way to communicate with other people so it should also be considered an art. The unique shape of each numbers and how they are positioned requires creativity just like creating artworks require creativity.

from http://www.markfarrar.co.uk/msqhst01.htm

댓글 1개:

  1. I like this post. I agree with you that math can be very helpful in the design of artwork. I have never really consider the role that math plays in art, but you make an excellent point. The design and engineering of creative buildings and unique structures would be impossible without mathematics and science. So, art is very dependent upon other forms of knowledge. Thanks for the post.
