2010년 9월 14일 화요일

The Summary of all ART

In this world there are many unique machines that are created by humans: telephone, computer, mouse, clock, air conditioner, refrigerator, and even door locks. However none of these inventions are as similar to art as an airplane. Airplane is made out of every single machine design that one can imagine. It can roll like a car, it contains computers for each individual guests to use, it requires an engine that is stronger then that of any land machines, and it even contains wings that no other machines have.  
Airplanes are summary of all art not only because of what it is made out of, but also because of the effort that is put into make each individual planes. The amount of details and calculations put into an airplane is just like, if not more then the amount of colors that exists in an art work. All different colors may look ugly when they are independent, but when they are mixed with each other, they create a beautiful harmony that nothing can compare to. Just like that, all different details and calculations will come to a harmony, and this harmony will allow people to fly. The time that it took for human to make an airplane is like the time of an artist. Just like how an artist spends most of the life time creating his artworks, human kind spent most of the time on earth dreaming of flying, designing and redesigning different ways to fly. 
Most importantly airplanes are summary of all art because just like how an artwork connects the artist to the audience, airplanes connects people to people, culture to culture, and nation to nation. It is a device that humans must have in order to better survive together.

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