2010년 10월 10일 일요일

Importance of public ART

Public art. Why do we even have public art? Public art exists because it is the symbol of civilization and development. As number of humans increased in the past, we started to become organized, classes started to form, and difference in individual became visible. As these changes occured, people needed a symbol that can represent their position, belief and ideology. To represent these, public art began and people started to display themselves through art. For example makeup it is a very organized way to expose one self's emotion. Many people in the world do makeup because they want others to view them in a certain way. Some wants other to be attracted to them, some wants  to hide one's feeling from others, some even wants to display ones emotion through art by paintings such as bees on the face before a football game. Makeup is not the only example where we can see people becoming more civilized or organized through public art, another great example is trashcan. many people don't realize that trashcan is a public art and how it represent organization or civilization. before trashcan existed, people threw trash anywhere, its like chaos, there was no limits, there was no rules. However, since the existence of trash can, people started to gather useless junk in one area, although most of the time we don't know what to do with a large pile of  trash but still, they are piling in one area, not every where in the world. This is why public art is important, because it symbolize civilization and every single public art can be used in many different ways!
r2d2 star wars trash can

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