2010년 10월 19일 화요일


The symbol of Yin and Yang is probably one of the the worlds most commonly known symbol by people. It is a Taoist symbol that symbolizes harmony. There are two sides to all things and through harmony of those two sides, everything exists. But why is there a white dot on the black area and black dot on the white area. Because without those dots, harmmony cannot exists. The only reason why two sides can coexist is because both side have a little bit of each other. The lines on the side represents the different elements that are thought of as the fundamental element of the world. The main five elements believed by the Taoists includes, fire, metal, water, wood, and rock. Many people may dislike taoism because they don't like to accept other religion but take a look at the symbol and try to think  of harmony between anything. You will realize how it is not a non  sense idea.

from http://www.international-relations.com/CM4-2/tao-chinawb.htm

댓글 1개:

  1. This is a very interesting blog post Hyun Ki Lee! And a good one too (as they all are)!! I completely agree and find Yin Yang to be a critical part of the world...whether we even know it or not. If you think about it, yin yang basically says two things can coexist. Isn't that our whole world? i mean it may be more than two things, yes, but what allows so many different people and different cultures to coexist in this one crazy world is openness and acceptance. Take georgia tech for example, we are a hugely diverse community...And how do we coexist? Yin yang! We can balance each other out because we all have different things to offer to the community!
