2010년 11월 2일 화요일


Art Museum as Ritual. In the article, Duncan explained how art museums are skewing the meaning of the artwork. He talks about how museum is like a place for ritual where people went to each art work one by one, just like how some people would go to their religious temple. Although he made a lot of good points, I disagree in some areas. First of all, religious people going to their religious temple and public walking around the museum is a totally different thing. Religious people are going to temple to pray, and spend their time submitting to their Lord. However public walking around the museum has nothing to do with submitting their life to a supernatural in authority. Duncan also talked about how museums create an environment that changes the feeling of the art work. However, is there a way to display an artwork without changing its original meaning? Unless museums can send people back in time to when the artwork was first created, it is impossible to create an area that will not change the feeling one gets from an artwork.

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